Wednesday, December 16, 2009

December 14

I ran today in the park because it was an awesome 66 degrees outside. I didn't run but 1 mile because it was at the park and on concrete but overall did a 3 mile workout! I find it pretty amazing the difference in running on the treadmill vs. running on concrete. I enjoyed the fresh air and seeing all of the people enjoying it as well. Almost reminded me of spring/summer when there are tons of people at the park running.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Week Off

So I decided to take a week off and really needed it especially with finals and xmas parties and such. I did make a 4.0 this semester but did we really expect anything less :)...

I am going to start back tonight working out and continue my goal but thought I would share my latest weighing with ya'll. I have been fighting getting below 219 since before thanksgiving and today i weight 215.5 :) I am close to my December goal of 214 but no where near the 209-210 range for January. But i'm remaining positive and hope that i can continue to lose and not put on weight during this holiday season and winter months.

Till the next update.

Monday, December 7, 2009

December 7

Sunday was a really lazy day and I did nothing but sit around and watch TV. I wanted to just do nothing and eat all day but that definitely would have been counter productive to all this work i've been doing at the gym. It was really hard though, part of me wanted to get off the couch and go workout but a majority of me wanted to just veg and eat Cheetos :)

So today i did go workout and ran for about 30 minutes which only got me 2.5 miles then my chins began hurting...then moved over to the bike for 15 minutes which got me 4.3 miles. So not a bad workout but definitely not what i've been doing. I think those breaks are beginning to hurt me, even if its just a day.

Lisa decided to do some research on P90x and wow are we in for a world of hurt. I am not sure about the whole P90x but i'm also very intrigued. I am interested in getting rid of my love handles although those are the last things to go. :) I mean it would be hard to let them go they've been apart of me for as long as I can remember. It would be a very sad day but they need to move on and go find someone else to pester. :)

Okay so workout finished and I have been drinking more water today and now i'm looking forward to dinner. Not real sure what i'm going to make but i'm pretty sure it will be chicken and green bean casserole. Odd pairing but it just sounds tasty!

Till tomorrow people!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

December 5

I didn't workout on December 4...Lazyiness set in and with all the excitement around Aiden's surgery and caring for him I just didn't feel like going out. Oh wait I did play Wii for 30 minutes which Sarah said was my workout...that doesn't work, trust me.

Today was a different story, the family all went out shopping and that was kind of a joke, Aiden wasn't much for being out and about. He was not having a good day. We did however manage to go get a TV stand and finally have our living room look pretty decent with the Flat Screen on the wall and all the audio components in a tv stand, Looks really good!

So I decided against my ownself to go and workout and i'm glad I did. I've been running for 3 months now and I have to admit that its not all that bad. Tony from church said that I should run 8 minutes and walk 2 minutes and that would help me run farther and better. I've been trying that now for a few weeks and have to admit that it has helped the running. In fact, yesterday I was able to run for 40 minutes with speeds between 5.3-6.0!

I am finding however that my knee is feeling sore about about 2 miles so I think I want to get a small knee brace to help that out. So after about thirty minutes I decided that I wouldn't do the full hour running/walking instead I would incorporate some high rep, light weight workout. I did and this morning I am a bit sore. All in all it totaled 1 hour (40 minutes running/walking 3 miles) and 20 minutes weights.

On another note, I bought new shoes for running probably back in October and now they are falling apart, not sure if it because i'm running or if its a defect, probably will need to take them back.

If you are wondering all this in preparation for P90X beginning in January. Lisa and I are going to begin this workout and it should be very interesting, I'm sure my posts will get better as we go through that whole routine...if anyone has had any experience with it, please let me know what I'm about to get myself into :)

Thursday, December 3, 2009

December 3

Today was a good day for working out but not such a good day for eating. I felt as though I was eating all day. Nothing bad just constantly hungry and eating...that would be good except that it included an occasional cookie or 2 :)...

Workout today was 60 minutes long:

4.8 miles (average speed of 5.3)

I am going to try to get better at trying to avoid the sweets but since I am home its much easier to get a hold of them. I am doing a better job of drinking water...oh and all week my lunches and dinners have been made here at home :)

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

December 2

Today I decided that i would workout at noon, since i will be working from home most of the month. So here is today's breakdown:

Running - 40 min; 2.8 miles (avg 5.3 speed on treadmill)
Biking - 20 min; 5.1 miles

I am really sure what else i'm going to add this week but i think i may begin doing some high rep light weights this week. I am not trying to be in the gym longer than 1 hour however to keep my weight down and reach a loss of 5 lbs this month, it may be necessary.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

December 1

So I have a goal of 5 pounds per month that I set back in Oct. I met my November 1st goal of 220 with a 219. So you subtract 5 pounds and that should be 214...however today i weighed myself and weigh 218! That is great right because i maintained my weight and lost 1 pound :)...

Its encouraging yet disappointing at the same time. So what is the purpose of this blog, i will be posting updates on how my progress is going and for me a daily log as to what is going on. I dont know that I have an ultimate goal but i'd like to be below 200 lbs.

So lets see what happens :)